Warehouse.space is an innovative warehousing company, what provides self-storage and vertical storage solutions all around the world.

I was invited to create a responsive website for the company. Warehouse.space founder had already some ideas on how website should look and feel, and purchased a static HTML5 template. The purchased template was my starting point.

Company founder and I together, we have went through multiple iterations both from the design and codebase perspective. As the number of static pages started to grow, for example with introduction of 7 different languages to the UI, I have implemented Gulp.js integration to handle all the build processes including CSS minification, JS minification and live browser reloading with BrowserSync.

I have also experimented with introduction of flat-file CMS into the project, like SiteCake, Grav and Pagekit, but based on my experience at the time - the migration from current static multipage web resource to one of these platforms was not fully supported. The transition to CMS is inevitable, that is why I am continuing to search for the suitable content management solution.

Check out this live project here: https://warehouse.space.

mobile view of the web resource